Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why we need to keep up the fight.

As the teachers strike goes on and talk of food banks for CUPE and BCTF members start coming out I find myself wondering if this is a battle worth fighting. Maybe we just need to go back to work and continue to make do. When I go over my reasons for voting yes in the first place I remember... this is a fight worth fighting.

Here is why I'm on the picket line this week and for as long as it takes.
  • I'm fighting for all the children I have taught and that I will teach. They deserve to have the resources, specialist teachers and support they need. 2 and 3 year waiting lists for specialist tests are unacceptable. Students deserve services now! They have waited long enough.
  • I'm fighting for myself. In the last 5 years I have had countless conversations with my husband that start with the question "Why do you keep teaching? Find another job. You could do so many other things and work less."  I can't imagine not being a teacher. Teaching is my passion but I'm not sure how much longer I can teach under current conditions. 
  • I'm fighting against a corrupt, deceitful government that believes it is above the law. Ripping up contracts, backroom dealings, creating legislature to get their way. This is not how government should be.
  • I'm fighting for everyone in BC. Governments should work FOR people.... not against them. Current education policies in BC are working against the poor, special needs students, public education and yes teachers too.
  • I'm fighting to restore rights that teachers before me sacrificed for YEARS to bring about. We aren't asking for something new. We are asking that funding be put back into education. 
  • I'm fighting for new teachers and future teachers. Over 40% of new teachers leave in the first 5 years of teaching. Working conditions, workload and wages are some of the reasons they leave. 
  • I'm fighting for respect. What teacher do MATTERS and the government need to recognize that. We work hard, studied for years and continue to study to be the best teachers we can be. We give hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours every year to our jobs and our students. We deserved to be treated with respect and we deserve to have the supports and services we need to do our job. 
I'm hoping for a fair deal soon but until then I'll see you on the Picket Line.

Note: If you can most locals are setting up food banks for teachers and CUPE members who need some help through this fight drop off a few items for those who need it.

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